Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Notes for Thunderhill Clockwise w/Pass Through on 5

Here's my video which is exactly the line I'm going to describe.

The turn numbers will be the same as counter-clockwise, but I'll be starting on 15.

15. Downshift to 3 and run over the inside berm. This is a no no going clockwise. Get a couple of wheels on the run off, but not all 4. You may get black flagged if you use too much run off.

14. It's still a blind turn where both the apex and exit points are not visible at turn in. I put the Miata's inside wheels into the ditch at apex and it did not disturb the car much. An instructor in a Super 7 tried it and did not like the feel of dropping the inside wheels into the ditch.

13. Tap the brakes and apex early for 13. Do the hard braking between 13 and 12.

12. This is a throw away turn. Do the entire turn on the inside and stay left. 11 will come up so fast, there's no time to position the car after the turn. Downshift to 2nd in the small straight after 12.

11. Put 2 wheels in the run off area, but like 15, putting 4 wheels on it may get you black flagged.

10. I upshift to 3rd before the turn. A small tap or lift is all that's needed in the Miata.

9. At the bottom of the hill, you should be on the right side. Move toward the left such that you'll be parallel with the berm coming over the top. The only way to learn this is to start very slow and find the proper line. You can get in trouble here if you come in full speed to the top of the hill and find the car pointed in the wrong direction. You'll need all your traction for braking at the top.

8. If it's not wet, get 2 wheels on the outside berm before the turn in. You'll be carrying a lot of speed coming downhill from 9 and will need to get on the brakes at bit. It's questionable when it's the best time to shift to 4th. I do it before the turn in because I don't want the risk of hitting the rev limiter when I'm going full throttle around the turn. It'll be a spin out if the gas cuts off for a bit.

7. Wow, this is actually a turn now. Your best bet is to spot the braking zone for 6 ASAP. Go slow and find some type of landmark if possible. It's pretty hard to do out here.

6. I downshift to 3 and hit the apex. However, I let the car drift out to the outside instead of staying inside. The turn in for 5a(passthrough) will be sharper, but manageable. Many people will stay tight to the right side here and my line provides me with a passing opportunity.

5a(Passthrough). You can get air on the left side. Stay around the middle to avoid this. Getting air is fun, but time in the air is time you can't accelerate.

4. Nothing special

3. You can start inside or near the middle. I think starting in the middle and slowly coming back inside is a better line. The car seems to settle better. But if someone is on your tail, then stay inside. Otherwise, they'll sneak inside and you'll get stuck in the negative camber part of the track all the way around the turn. Alternate between looking in front and at the side of the hill. The latter helps somehow, but I'm not sure why. Have patience and don't drift out until you near the crest. Learn where to drift out bit by bit, else you'll find that the road can run out quickly.

2. I have a hard time around this one regardless of which direction I go. I alternate between looking in front and at the exit. If someone is not to my inside, I use throttle steer to get the front pointed in so I can hit the apex. You got time, so look in your mirrors to see who's catching up and may attempt a pass at turn 1.

The Legend cars I watched exit turn 3 and pushing all the way to the outside (this is hard to do and I spun once trying this when I misjudge the exit as it's hard to see until you get over the crest). The the Legends move all the way to the left side before entering turn 2. I guess they're taking the largest geometric arch around the turn.

1. You can get a bit of a drift around this corner, but don't spin out. The pit wall is painful. There's probably a blend line that's consider out of bounds for safety. Do be aware of other cars before the turn because this is a popular passing corner for cars that catch up in turn 2.

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