Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Laguna Seca at last

I finally got some time on the famous Laguna Seca and it did not disappointment. I ran this a few time on Forza a while back and it was quite similar minus the feel and fun.

Turn 1 as fast, downhill and blind. Never really noticed it on Forza, but quite dicey in real life. I don't think I got this one down as I was never position perfectly going into the braking zone.

Turn 2 is 2nd gear in a Miata, so it require 2 down shifts. Braking around marker 3 seems to be about right, but only after the brakes and tires warmed up. I enter the turn near the middle of the road or toward outside, look at the exit apex right away to gauge the line and speed.

Turn 3 is slow, but don't bother down shifting to 2nd.

Turn 4 looks like turn 3, but it's much faster. I tap the break just before turn in. The turn in point is between the 2 and 1 marker.

Turn 5 is uphill after the apex and all the high HP cars can pass easily here.

Turn 6 is also uphill and very fast. I tap the brakes before turn in and get back on the gas.

Turn 7 is preparation for the corkscrew. Start on the left and end on the right.

Turn 8 (cockscrew) is a slow double blind downhill turn. The braking area is blind and the turn in is blind. I found that there's a groove at the bottom where it's natural to turn into which helps to hold the car.

Turn 9 is the funnest turn on the course. After 8, get back on the far right. Look to the apex right away, aim your car, and gas it. Initially, I had a hard time hitting the apex because the traction decreases during the turn. When done properly, you drift out the outside edge. I see lots of cars early in the day(myself included), only using half the track on exit. It just takes a bit of time to get used to this section.

Turn 10 is nothing special.

Turn 11 is very slow sharp turn and the most important turn on the entire course. I'm going back to Forza and see what the recommended line is. I'm probably taking it too fast and not getting back on the gas early enough is all.

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